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School Assembly


At Cam Everlands we have an assembly every day. Each assembly has a different purpose.

Monday - whole-school assembly

Our Monday assembly is an opportunity for all of our children to gather in the hall at the beginning of each week. These assemblies tend to take on a theme for the half term. These themes are based around our school values:

  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Empathy

and the four British Values:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance

We also use these assemblies to celebrate major global and religious events throughout the year.

Tuesday and Thursday - class assembly

On a Tuesday, the children meet together as a class group either in their own classroom. This assembly focusses on issues that children want to put forward. The children come together to solve problems for each other. These assemblies are a good opportunity for speaking and listening to others, for working on developing their empathy as well as their communication skills. As a vehicle for learning, class assemblies foster a sense of community. Although it supports the development of all children, each child, regardless of ability, can experience a feeling of belonging to the group during a class assembly. This time enhances the social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects of the curriculum.

Wednesday - Singing assembly

Our Wednesday assemblies are music assemblies where the whole school meet together to take part in singing.

These assemblies include a wide range of songs. Songs are often sung in relation to upcoming events and themes. For example – the school song, the Olympics, The World Cup, Anti- Bullying week, Eco songs about litter and waste, Harvest songs, songs from other cultures, songs in other languages, songs relating to various religious festivals and Christmas Carols.

Friday - Celebration Assembly

Friday is our third whole-school assembly and an opportunity to end the week in the most positive way possible - sharing the achievements of children (and adults) from every class.

Each class teacher awards a 'star of the week' certificate for one of their pupils. Reasons for awards range from being kind, trying very hard, to excellent pieces of work across the whole curriculum.  Teachers also award 'mathematician of the week' and 'writer of the week'.

We also read out all the children who have been entered into our 'Gold Book'. These children have shone throughout the week and may have demonstrated one of our school qualities, might have done some excellent out-of-school learning or have persevered to improve an aspect of their learning. 

Finally, we have our 'Out Of School Achievers' section. This part of the celebration assembly recognises that many of our children achieve outside of school. We celebrate children who have achieved certificated in swimming, belts in martial arts or who have been awarded medals for other sporting competitions. We also look to celebrate those who have done something special in other aspects - for example those who have volunteered to help others, those who have been fundraising or any other achievement in other fields.