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This section of the website contains the statutory and non-statutory policies by which Cam Everlands Primary School abides.

Each policy is reviewed by the full governing body within the timescales noted on each individual policy.

  1. Admissions Policy 2023-24 (GCC Determined Admissions Arrangements)
  2. Admissions Policy 2024-25 (GCC Determined Admissions Arrangements)
  3. Anti-Bullying and Hate Policy 2024-26
  4. Attendance Policy 2024-27
  5. Behaviour Policy and Statement of Behavioural Principles 2023-25
  6. Best Value Statement 2023-25
  7. Charging and Remissions Policy 2023-24
  8. Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy 2023-24
  9. Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024-25
  10. Complaints Policy 2022-25
  11. Confidentiality Policy 2023-26
  12. Data Protection and GDPR Policy 2023-24
  13. Whistle Blowing Policy 2022-24
  14. Early Career Teacher Policy 2024-26
  15. Early Years Foundation Stage Policy 2023-25
  16. Equality Information and Objectives 2023-27
  17. Fire Safety Policy 2023-25
  18. First Aid Policy 2024-26
  19. Food in School Policy 2023-26
  20. Freedom Of Information Policy 2022-24
  21. Governor's Allowances Policy 2023-24
  22. Health and Safety Policy 2023-25
  23. ICT and Internet Acceptable Use Policy 2023-25
  24. Instrument of Government 2022-24
  25. Intimate Care Policy 2022-24
  26. Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints 2022-25
  27. Online Safety Policy 2023-25
  28. Pay Policy 2023-24
  29. Premises Management Policy 2024-26
  30. Relationships and Sex Education Policy 2021-23
  31. Remote Learning Policy 2023-25
  32. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy 2023-24
  33. Staff Appraisal and Capability Policy 2022-25
  34. Staff Code Of Conduct 2023-26
  35. Staff Grievance Policy and Procedures 2024-26
  36. Supporting pupils with medical conditions in school 2023-26
  37. Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy 2023-25
  38. Uniform Policy 2022-25