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New trim trail installed in Copper Kingdom

Fantastic new play resource for children to play on

In early June, a new play area was re-opened on our playground to expand the play provision we offer here at Cam Everlands.

Following a safety inspection last year, the old trim trail was condemned as it had begun to rot. We then began a process of reaching out to companies who develop playgrounds and getting quotes for replacing the trim trail. 

Eventually, we decided to employ Fawns who provided the best vision for the site, which included the trim trail and a proposal for a phase 2 (more to come on that in the future!).

We then had 2 weeks of works on site and much intrigue from the children as the old equipment was taken down and the new trial and flooring installed. 

After 2 agonising days waiting for the glue to dry on the flooring, the new Copper Kingdom trim trail was opened to the children. It has been a huge draw for the children ever since which is fantastic to see. Hopefully this investment will not only provide many years of fun but also a good source of physical development.