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Religious Education


At Cam Everlands Primary School, we believe that Religious Education (RE) plays a vital role in developing our pupils' knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the diverse religious and non-religious beliefs that exist in our world. As part of our school's vision to "believe, achieve and celebrate", we are committed to equipping our pupils with the skills and knowledge to become empathetic, respectful, and kind citizens who can navigate and thrive in our multicultural society.

Key Aims

Our RE curriculum aims to:

  • Provide pupils with a comprehensive understanding of the key beliefs, practises, and traditions of a range of religions and non-religious worldviews
  • Foster an environment of respect, tolerance, and appreciation for the diversity of religious and non-religious beliefs
  • Encourage pupils to engage in thoughtful discussions and reflections on the similarities and differences between various faiths
  • Develop pupils' critical thinking skills, enabling them to form their own informed opinions and beliefs
Content and Skills

Throughout their time at Cam Everlands Primary School, our pupils will explore a broad range of religions, including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Judaism. They will learn about the core beliefs, sacred texts, important figures, and significant festivals and celebrations associated with each faith. Pupils will also have the opportunity to develop their understanding of non-religious worldviews, such as humanism.

In addition to acquiring knowledge, our RE curriculum will focus on developing key skills, such as:

  • Empathy and perspective-taking
  • Effective communication and dialogue
  • Critical analysis and evaluation of different beliefs and practises
  • Respectful and sensitive engagement with diverse viewpoints

Our RE curriculum is designed to build upon pupils' knowledge and skills as they progress through Key Stages 1 and 2. In the early years, the focus will be on introducing pupils to the concept of religion, fostering an understanding of the similarities and differences between various faiths, and developing their ability to express their own thoughts and feelings. As pupils move into Key Stage 1, the curriculum will delve deeper into the core beliefs and practises of major world religions, encouraging them to make connections and compare the different faiths. In Key Stage 2, pupils will engage in more sophisticated discussions and analyses, exploring the impact of religion on individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

Wider Impact

Through our comprehensive RE curriculum, we aim to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become thoughtful, respectful, and engaged citizens. By developing a deep understanding and appreciation of diverse religious and non-religious beliefs, our pupils will be better equipped to navigate and thrive in our multicultural world. Additionally, the critical thinking and communication skills fostered through RE will support our pupils' academic and personal development, preparing them for their next steps in education and life.